University of East
and Southern Africa

Building lives, Building nations



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Log into Your Account on UNESA's Networks

 1) E-Learning (accessible globally, Moodle LMS)

2) E-Library (currently accessible on UNESA’s wireless LAN)

UNESA Administration
UNESA is currently using MarvelSoft software for its system-wide EMIS (Education Management Information System). Accessible on UNESA’s LAN (Local Area Network) include the following:
1) Bursar’s Office accounts management
2) Registrar's Office student management system, Human resource management system
3) Chief Librarian Office library management system




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2017-  University of East and Southern Africa, UNESA

UNESA: Building lives, Building nations


[About UNESA] [UNESA Map Location] [Programmes of Study] [Admissions] [Log into Your Accounts]




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